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技術(shù)文章您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 技術(shù)文章 > 區域精煉原理(區域提煉)


更新時(shí)間:2018-11-04   點(diǎn)擊次數:4398次

Zone Refiner Theory區域精煉原理(區域提煉)

During zone refining or zone melting short molten zones move slowly through an elongated sample of crystalline material.   A molten zone traversing a solid sample has two liquid-solid interfaces; a melting interface and a freezing interface. At the melting interface the sample is merely melted and mixed with the contents of the molten zone. At the freezing interface the crystals tend to be higher in purity than the liquid phase.

在區域精煉或區域熔化期間,短的熔融區域緩慢地移動(dòng)通過(guò)細長(cháng)的結晶材料樣品。 穿過(guò)固體樣品的熔融區具有兩個(gè)液 - 固界面; 熔化界面和冷凍界面。 在熔化界面處,樣品僅熔化并與熔融區的內容物混合。 在冷凍界面處,晶體的純度往往高于液相。

zone movement

Extraordinarily high purification of chemicals can be obtained by repeatedly passing the molten zone or zones through the sample. The impurities are concentrated at the end of the sample, generally in the direction of the movement of the molten zone.

通過(guò)使熔融區域重復通過(guò)樣品,可以獲得非常高的化學(xué)品凈化。 雜質(zhì)在樣品的末端濃縮,通常在熔融區的移動(dòng)方向上。

Mathematically this can be expressed as a constant, K, known as the distribution coefficient.  If the concentration of impurity in the solid (crystalline) phase is Cs and the concentration of impurity in the liquid phase is Cl then K is Cs/Cl.  If K is less than 1 (the usual case), the impurities will follow the movement of the liquid zone; if K is greater than 1, the impurities will travel in the opposing direction.

在數學(xué)上,這可以表示為常數K,稱(chēng)為分布系數。 如果固體(結晶)相中的雜質(zhì)濃度是Cs并且液相中的雜質(zhì)濃度是Cl,則K是Cs / Cl。 如果K小于1(通常情況下),雜質(zhì)將跟隨液體區的運動(dòng); 如果K大于1,則雜質(zhì)將沿相反方向行進(jìn)。


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